
Events & Focus


Where we are




Pool:  Physical Village, Via Federico Turano 44, Roma

Registered Office:  Via Achemenide 124, Roma


We offer anyone the opportunity to participate in events concerning the focus on different aspects of diving, in the biological, historical/archaeological,

naturalistic and ecological fields. There is no lack of events aimed at scientific dissemination, even less those in support of companies.

Some meetings will be held on an online platform using italian language, which can be accessed after registering for the relevant focus. Lovers and experts will participate, who will also tell us about their fantastic experiences. 

Sea weather in real time:

ASD Blu Deep Emotions © 2021 All rights reserved.

e-mail: blu.deep.emotions@gmail.com

pec: blu.deep@pec.it
– Cod.Fisc. 15952931002
Website with contract : Flazio – designer 

Architecture and engineering - Web Administrator Luca Serranti


Administrator & Web Master: Stefano Serranti

Web Supervisor: Luca Serranti



Tactile Laboratory of the Parish of the Nativity of Mary Most Holy

Today, for the first time, we decided to give voice to those who participated in the tactile marine biology workshop and spent a day with us, hearing us talk about the sea, its extraordinary beauty, and its fragility.

Thanks to Emanuela Chian Padre Eduardo, Don Federico, the Parish of the Nativity of Mary Most Holy, and all the children who participated.

"We cannot live without the sea! Not only because it is beautiful to look at and because we enjoy swimming in it in the summer, but because the sea gives us 50% of the oxygen we need to live. So how can we not take care of it?" The sea is a precious treasure to contemplate, preserve, and take care of". This - as Don Federico reiterated several times - is the fundamental message that was at the heart of the meeting of the experts from Blu Deep Emotions, organized at the Parish of the Nativity of Mary Most Holy in Rome, with girls and boys from the Grest, the summer camp of 2024.



A different, exciting, very interesting morning, started in the Laudato Si’ Garden of the Parish, where reflection was made on the Creation of the universe and in particular on the moment when, after the origin of our planet, the separation of the waters from the land was witnessed, followed by the birth of the first forms of life in the water and then of marine creatures.

"The universe, the earth, and the sea are a gift from God to us, and every human being has the duty to preserve and love them," continues Father Federico. The meeting continued in the theater, where thanks to the help of the experts from Blu Deep Emotions, the children were able to have a direct experience with marine organisms in the tactile laboratory, a type of participatory learning of interesting information about the sea and its creatures: starfish, sea cucumbers, hermit crabs, gastropods, Posidonia oceanica, corals... The interest and participation of over 80 children and animators were very high!

At the end of the meeting, all participants received the certificate of Junior Marine Biologist!

An unforgettable encounter!


Trabocchi Coast

An Innovative and Courageous Project, which believes and insists on enhancing the marine ecosystems of Abruzzo.

Bosso has always believed more in creating added value for Territories, Places, and Communities, and in the added value of tourism operators and destinations in Abruzzo, as opposed to just the mere commercialization of tourist products.



The beauty of studying and experiencing new scenarios and opportunities lies in the ability to dare and always look beyond, with the seriousness and consistency of those who believe that tourism is equivalent to a constant and shared path of civic and environmental education, coming together as operators and sharing this journey with institutions, through ethics, knowledge, and professionalism.


We thank Il Bosso for hosting us in their splendid region and involving us in this project. The Costa dei Trabocchi has great potential and the sea in front of you is just waiting to be explored, enhanced, and protected.

whatsapp image 2025-01-29 at 15.46.34.jpeg

1° Bioacustic Course


The course on the Bioacoustics of cetaceans on June 12th and 19th in collaboration with Avvistiamo, held by Lorenzo Gordigiani, with an introduction by the naturalist and science journalist Francesca Buoninconti is Sold Out.

For more information, visit our courses.


To reserve your spot for the next course, you can also write to:

blu.deep.emotions@gmail.com     or       info.bludeepbiology@gmail.com


City Nature Challange 2024


We are nearing the end of the City Nature Challenge 2024 and, tomorrow, on May 4th, at Casa del Mare in Ostia, RomaNatura, with the Special Commissioner Marco Visconti, will host the presentation of photographs of the Roman seabeds taken by the underwater divisions of Marevivo, Blu Deep Emotions, Namaka Bluemotion of the Subacqueo Solaris Group during the competition.




International competition to promote documentation on marine biodiversity

Aims to collect as much data as possible on biodiversity to survey and understand the species communities present in the area.


RomaNatura, with the support of the University Consortium CURSA, enthusiastically joined this initiative and will provide its valuable contribution to the event by conducting the BioBlitz Blu along the Lazio coast between Civitavecchia and Anzio, with a special focus on the "Secche di Tor Paterno" Marine Protected Area.


For more information



Read the full article at



Even Blu Deep Emotions, with its team of biologists, in collaboration with Nasim Charter Diving from the wonderful site "La Madonnina" in Civitavecchia, has contributed to this splendid BioBlitz event, an initiative of Citizen Science introduced in Italy by CURSA in collaboration with the American National Parks Service in 2012. Today, in the role of biodiversity explorers, we immersed ourselves to find and identify as many living species as possible.


BLS-D Course January 2024

Saturday 01/20/2024 not just scuba diving…we should all be able to help someone who suffers from a cardiac arrest whether in water or on the surface, to know how to clear the airways to prevent choking. We at Blu Deep Emotions with our BLS-D courses teach all the techniques and maneuvers necessary to save a human life.


1° National Plastic Free Meet Up, Tarquinia

A very important day for Tarquinia, which hosted the first National Meet Up of Plastic Free Onlus, during which ASD Blu Deep Emotions also contributed to the event dedicated to the care and respect of the environment.


1975. The film "Jaws" (in Italian "The shark") is released: no film has had a more devastating impact on the human-animal relationship.

Since then, every time we swim in the sea we have the feeling that at any moment we will be prey to a terrible monster that, coming from the deep blue, will drag us down with it. Nothing could be more wrong: while shark kills are counted on the fingers of one hand, every year it is by default estimated that 100 million sharks are killed, mainly to cut off their fins and then throw them back alive into the sea.


The shark population is in monstrous decline: their extinction would be an event that would not save human lives, but on the contrary it would lead to devastating consequences on ecosystems.

Shark! A relationship that needs to be reconsidered and urgent action is needed.

Organized by Blu Deep Emotions and Andrea Izzotti, in cooperation with Sarah Russurwm, StopFinning, Marevivo and PlasticFree, a direct facebook that sees the extraordinary participation of Prof. Alessandro De Maddalena, one of the world's leading shark experts, who studies these animals by organizing expeditions of research for many years and author of numerous scientific publications.

We will see images and videos of these beautiful animals swimming with men. We will naturally talk about sharks of their importance, of the Ghost Networks project with Massimiliano Falleri responsible for the underwater division of Marevivo The seabed, in fact, is full of abandoned or accidentally lost nets that represent one of the greatest threats to the ecosystem among marine litter. They are a danger to marine life, because the animals get trapped and suffocate. Furthermore, over time, microplastics, which are ingested by animals, break up into small pieces.
We will talk about plastic with the director and co-founder of Plastic Free Lorenzo Zitigliani.
Last but not least, we will talk with Camila Irene Mura volunteer from Stop-finning Italy about the European citizens' initiative “Stop-Finning-Stop the trade“ a unique opportunity to change European legislation and save sharks.

The live broadcast will be on the facebook channel of the photographer Andrea Izzotti on Thursday 27 January 2022 at 20.30

The website of the stop finning initiative (it takes 30 seconds to join)

The event is obviously free and to participate, just put me interested / will participate in the event page or on Andrea Izzotti's facebook page: you will be notified of the start of the broadcast.

We ask you right now to join the online initiative by signing the request and to disclose as much as possible on your social networks.

Blu Deep Emotions in collaboration with the RomaNatura Regional Authority proposes on 11/13/2021 from 8:30 to 15:00 at the sea house in Ostia managed by Roma Natura multipurpose headquarters of the AMP Secche di Tor Paterno the BLSD (Basic Life Support and Defibrillation) course with the aim of educating and disseminating the fundamental guidelines of the BLS in a simple and intuitive way. There are four phases of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation process:

1. Immediate alarm.

2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

3. Farly defibrillation.

4. Advanced rescue.


The first two phases are the most delicate: the timeliness in alerting the emergency vehicles and the ability to carry out CPR maneuvers that extend the useful time for rescuers to arrive and provide the necessary care. It is everyone's duty to know and activate this “Chain of survival”, essential to save a person affected by cardiac arrest.

The course is by reservation and with a limited number.


Reserve your place for info and reservations you can contact 392 / 4670623

Or write to:



Sea, Art and Culture


On 11 September from 08:30 to 13:00 at the Casa del Mare in Ostia, headquarters of the Amp Secche di Tor Paterno, managed by the RomaNatura Regional Authority, the Blu Deep Emotions association in collaboration with RomaNatura present the event: 
Sea, Art and Culture!


Lots of activities for families inspired by the seafaring culture!

The world of diving with Mauro Mileto Instructor Trainer WasedivEducation, the Marine Biology Laboratory with touch tank of Dr. Filippo Fratini naturalist and marine biologist, the Archeology Laboratory of Dr. Rita Fracassi specialized in Underwater Archeology, the laboratory 'Moments of Art' where children can shape clay with Paolo Del Grande and, finally, our Plastic Laboratory where the girls of the Giulia Mileto, Irene Tozzi and Alice Fratini will show everyone the art of recycling to all adults and children.

All children participating in our workshops will join the initiative:

“A plastic bottle for a book” our gift, a gesture that invites children to read, learn about the sea and respect the environment. 'The Sperm Whale Elia' inspired by Andrea's photographs Izzotti, a well-known Genoese photographer, is a book where adults and children with drawings and thoughts expressed their love for the sea like the artist Stefania Franco who gave us the cover of this splendid book.

This book in this period had able to unite on the web families, sea lovers, fishermen, divers, poets, writers and children above all children under one big flag LOVE FOR THE SEA.

At the Sea, Art and Culture event will be present our friend Andrea Izzotti, to share with us the international MUSE PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2021 of NEW YORK in the Amateurs category.

The photo of the Sperm Whale Elia contained in our book is the winner of this event.

For more informations and recervation, send an email to blu.deep.emotions@gmail.com or contact us at 392/4670623.

The event will take place in compliance with the anticovid regulations.

The fee to be paid in support of the Blu Deep Emotions Association is 15,00 € —


New So.Spe event

In an environment full of curious and happy children, we talked about us, about Blu Deep Emotions, about our passion for the sea, starting right from Underwater.

Through simple stories our president Mauro Mileto has brought young and old closer to knowledge and discovering this magical world and its submerged heritage, guardian of our history.

Filippo Fratini, with the Biology laboratory, told about biodiversity as only he can do, giving everyone present truly unique moments of interaction.

Paolo del Grande brought his art allowing children to approach Crete, sinking their hands in it, touching it, shaping it, dividing it into pieces, creating turtles, hermit crabs and corals under their eyes. 


Last but not least, a warm applause goes to our girls Giulia and Irene with their Art of Recycling workshop. With bottles, glasses, sticks of ice cream, buttons, colors, brushes, glue and a lot of creativity they have demonstrated to young and old what wonders can be achieved with plastic waste, not forgetting to remind everyone that our planet must be respected and protected.

All the children, including Sister Paola, received turtles, flowers, little fish.

All of them have recieved Diplomas of Little Biologist and Little Sculptor delivered by our girls. As usual, there is nothing that gives greater satisfaction than a smiling, amazed and happy child. Thank you for giving us this day.


We specify: all animals 'alive 'used in the marine biology laboratory are waste from artisanal fishing and by catch.


Plastic Free event


For the 04/18/2021 for the Plasticfree diving event that will take place in Trevignano, the divers who are interested must confirm no later than the 04/12/2021. We have only 15 cylinders. Hurry up; event no cost. ​


Sharks, how to protect them


Don't miss the event. Help us in the fight to defeat finning.

Go to: Initiatives 

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