
Where we are





Pool:  Physical Village, Via Federico Turano 44, Roma

Registered Office:  Via Achemenide 124, Roma



Monk Seal Perception Questionnaire

Sea weather in real time:

The monk seal is a species of great conservation interest due to its elusiveness and limited distribution. Today we still know far too little about it, and more in-depth studies are increasingly necessary.
Conservation cannot be promoted solely by those who work in the field or study the environment, but requires a greater effort that must involve the entire population.
For this reason, it is necessary to understand what the common perception is, which is mostly represented by citizens towards the species. The proposed questionnaire was created by the Monk Seal Group APS, in collaboration with the CNR (National Research Council), and aims to investigate the knowledge and awareness of the population towards a species of great interest. The questionnaire not only aims to assess citizens' actual knowledge of the species, but also seeks to raise awareness and educate by providing correct information to all those responding.

ASD Blu Deep Emotions © 2021 All rights reserved.

e-mail: blu.deep.emotions@gmail.com

pec: blu.deep@pec.it
– Cod.Fisc. 15952931002
Website with contract : Flazio – designer 

Architecture and engineering - Web Administrator Luca Serranti

Administrator & Web Master: Stefano Serranti

Web Supervisor: Luca Serranti



Mosap Convention


The ASD Blu Deep Emotions, an amateur sports association operating in the Lazio region for several years, as well as the National Center for Dive Instructor Training Wase DiveEducation, one of the most important teaching methodologies at an international level, is pleased to offer all members of the MOSAP of the State Police on active duty, their family members, and retired employees the opportunity to approach this sport with a 20% discount on all our diving courses.

"Becoming divers to study the sea, its inhabitants, and discover our submerged heritage"

An innovative educational initiative born with the ambition of representing the ideal path for the acquisition, not only of the technical and theoretical skills necessary for a safe exploration of the underwater world, but above all of the knowledge of the environment, biology, and the great richness of our submerged artistic heritage.

A truly unique opportunity for a beautiful adventure and an extraordinary human and cultural experience, promoting the development and awareness of environmental sensitivity. Our association relies on a team of professionals consisting of diving instructors, biologists, marine biologists, naturalists, and archaeologists. We offer our members a wonderful world of online courses about the marine environment, archaeology, and biology accessible to all, even to simple enthusiasts, with the goal of providing greater knowledge about the seabeds, flora, fauna, and treasures of our seas.

We are the only Dive School in Italy to have promoted and implemented scientific dissemination, making it our flagship.


Our Marine Biology Open Water Diver certification is an example. Unique in its kind, an introductory scuba diving course enriched by a training path of about 6 hours in the world of marine biology.


In short, with us you will learn to see and know the sea with different eyes, we will talk about climate change, the impact of diving activities on the environment, bioacoustics, and useful actions to preserve the aquatic world and its creatures.

Fantastic opportunities also for children with our hands-on workshops on marine biology and underwater archaeology on the occasion of parties or small events.

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Stop Finning

It's time to celebrate a great success!

It seemed an impossible result when in March 2021 we launched StopFinning_italy in Italy with two Facebook direct, one in Italian and the other in English together with friends from Blu Deep Emotions, Sarah Russwurm and Alessandro De Maddalena, Great White Shark Specialist.

At the time, the European citizens' initiative asking the EU to ban the trade in shark fins counted just over 300,000 members and less than 5,000 in Italy.


In December 2021 we prepared another live broadcast, scheduled for January 27, 2022, where we hoped to give further impetus to the important initiative.

Today 18 January 2022 the result has already been achieved. ONE MILLION European citizens have joined the initiative, which will oblige the European Commission to consider the issue. While it is not binding, such a high number of votes cannot be ignored and we hope that the trade ban on shark and ray fins will be extended as required. In Italy, the minimum threshold for each country has been reached, with well over 50,000 members.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 27 January 2022 at 8.30 pm on Facebook, to celebrate together!

Thanks to StopFinningEU at StopFinning_italy, to all those who have joined and to all those who have dedicated time and effort to an adventure whose goal seemed truly impossible!

Thank you.

ASD Blu Deep Emotions meets NSA (Environmental Safety Unit) Civil Protection of North Rome) 

divisione subacquea nsa

The meeting gave rise to the idea of a collaboration in the operational field in the fields of "environmental protection", "civil protection" and "social protection".


Sea, Art e Culture


On 11 September from 08:30 to 13:00 at the Casa del Mare in Ostia, headquarters of the Amp Secche di Tor Paterno, managed by the RomaNatura Regional Authority, the Blu Deep Emotions association in collaboration with
RomaNatura present the event: 
Sea, Art and Culture!

Visit the events page:

Shark Museum - Prof. De Maddalena

Link to the facebook page of the museum of Professor Alessandro De Maddalena:

Museum of the sea:




Open collaboration with this magnificent group of marine biologist experts.

Find out who they are and marvel at what they do!



Sharks, how to protect them

Organized by Sarah Russwurm, Blu Deep Emotions and Andrea Izzotti a Facebook direct that sees the extraordinary participation of Prof. Alessandro De Maddalena, one of the world's leading shark experts, who studies these animals and organizes research expeditions for many years and he is the author of many scientific publications.


Every year it is estimated by default that 100 million sharks are killed, mainly to target their fins and then throw them back into the sea alive. This indiscriminate fishing has a devastating effect on our ecosystem.


This direct is intended to disclose an initiative in Italy to request the European Commission to extend the "Fins Naturally Attached" regulation (which since 2013 prohibits storage, transhipment and landing of all shark fins in EU waters and on all EU vessels) including export, import and transi of sharks and rays, in order to better protect these species.


This is a European citizens' initiative which, if it reaches the number of signatory citizens established by the regulation, it is binding on the European Commission which must express itself within three months (since 2012, EU citizens have acquired the right to apply directly to the European Commission through an initiative of European Citizens to propose a concrete legislative amendment).


Unlike the usual online petitions, therefore, this one has a truly incisive significance and can lead to concrete results. The website is the following:


The meeting will be on facebook channel of photographer Andrea Izzotti on March 11, 2021 at 8:30 pm:


The event is obviously free and to participate it is sufficient to put "I'm interested/participate"on the event page or on Andrea's facebook page: you will be notified at the beginning of the broadcast.


Unfortunately the signatures in Italy are far from the necessary number and the live broadcast will be entirely dedicated to the problem of finning also in the EU and to the dissemination of this initiative.

We therefore ask for your active participation, we ask you right

now to join the online initiative by signing the request and to disclose as much as possible on your social networks.


Andrea Izzotti - Sarah Russwurm - Blu Deep Emotions

                                                                                                   The recording is available here:


Stop Finning


Finning is the practice of removing shark fins for profit, leading to the death of countless sharks, unable to move, feed and defend themselves. By signing this petition you would be helping to ban this practice in Europe!

A special thanks from these splendid and very important animals. 



StopGlobalWarming.eu is the European mobilization initiative promoted by two movements founded by the former MEP and treasurer of the Luca Coscioni Association Marco Cappato: EUMANS! (The movement of European citizens active on sustainable development) and Science For Democracy (the international alter ego of the Luca Coscioni Association created with Marco Perduca and active on the freedom of scientific research).

The awareness campaign also took form in a petition which has reached 25 thousand signatures in a few days and which will be discussed upon reaching the necessary accessions to be collected by July 20. 



ASD Blu Deep Emotions supports StopGlobalWarming


It is also the only formal initiative to collect signatures to ask the European Commission to elaborate a legislative proposal to stop global warming. Focal point of the project, developed with the help of 5,000 economists and 27 Nobel laureates: shifting taxes from people to the environment, and therefore taxing CO2 emissions and reducing taxes on labor. Those who emit carbon dioxide in Europe would pay a price per ton and the proceeds would benefit workers, with a reduction in taxes in Europe. In this way, the EU could raise a treasury of 180 billion euros a year to reduce the tax burden on European workers.

The European Citizens' Initiative is not a simple online petition, but it has a formal value. If one million citizens from at least seven European countries will go to the Stopglobalwarming.eu website and sign leaving their identity document number (as required by the rules of the European Union) the Commission chaired by Ursula von der Leyen will have the obligation to respond to European citizens on a measure opposed by some governments, but in harmony with the intentions of the Commission itself and of the EU Parliament.


Queen Project


The project was born with the aim of "adopting" sea turtles, to protect them and learn about them thanks to the Recovery Centers, which keep us updated on their movements

Thanks to them, our Queen and Blue, today they are free to continue the journey of their life. 


Explanatory file of the project


Education project for the Kindergarten ​

The project aims to introduce children to the knowledge of the marine environment, allowing them to discover a new world, rich in naturalistic and archaeological treasures, some of which will be reproduced during the

artistic workshops.

Through creative recycling of plastics will lay the foundations for the respect of the marine environment.

Their sensitivity and their education are fundamental to one day, to establish contact with nature and its wonders.

Explaining immediately the importance of respecting the environment for children

is fundamental to create the right awareness in them.

They are our future.


Siso Project



The Sperm Whale Elia